miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Happy Halloween!

Family Portrait
Hello everyone!

Pedro and I are fully enjoying Halloween here at the Ayusa office. Our theme is "Ayusa High--Home of the Fighting Turtles" and as you can see, Pedro is our resident nerd and I'm the school mascot. Go Turtles!

Hope you have a greeeeeat Halloween :)
Emily, the Pedro Mama

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Profiles de Pedro....

Psst, don't tell Emily
but I am following her to Ecuador.Anyone seen my passport?

Love is a wonderful thing. Even though we are different species.At least we have our prickliness in common... 
StAy.for reals.

Sojourns De Pedro

Secrets of Pedro. Emily doesn't know this but I have done a leetle bit of traveling on my own. It was lonely and somewhat difficult  but I am fiercely independent and you can see that I  have been busy.
Enjoy my travelogue:

Love that Taj. Guy built it for his wife. But I will build much greater, for Emily.

Machu Picchu wasAMAZING but that llama smelled PRETTY bad!
Ahhh Rome, so lovely, so HISTORIC. They should really fix this place up! 

DON'T eat me!

(shhh...mom didn't know I was at her party!)



(evidence: sister mamma)

(evidence: housemates)
(evidence: best friend)(also called Snowflake=suspicious)

(evidence: boyfriend)


(evidence: empress)
A HEARTFELT GRATITUDE GOES OUT TO Tjaques and Toby Rex (and of course their canine companion Umi) for finding ME!