sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Profiles de Pedro....

Psst, don't tell Emily
but I am following her to Ecuador.Anyone seen my passport?

Love is a wonderful thing. Even though we are different species.At least we have our prickliness in common... 
StAy.for reals.

Okay, sometimes I have been a tad needy- it could be the bow tie thing. maybe the ears,  not sure... do the eggs make me look fat?

Uhm, Emily's birthday celebration got a little out of hand...anyone have an aspirin? Was I really dancing on the table?I feel so unbalanced today.So,well, sideways. 

Go Bears !
First blossoms of spring.
 I am a manly cactus in tune with my feminine side. Emily loves me that way. So does Ghiro. "Che chic!"

Second to my grandpa, Most Illustrious Lord Father the First, I like to think I am the best Jeeves. And definitely the best cactus Jeeves. No one really questions that. If they do I might get prickly.

Me and my brothers, Manuel, Jose and Manuel like to boogie and sing in a Mariachi Band . Viva Viva!

We play Celebrate every time. Sometimes YMCA too! But not the Chamaritta- that gets a certain Portuguese woman
going C-A-R-A-A-Z-Y!!!

Thank you for mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, family and friends. The feathers and pilgrim hat, not so much.


I like to stay up with  the times and celebs. Not to brag, but here I am with my gal pal Katy.. that hair color is natural, WOW  huh?

I am not only about living the high life with the rich and famous. There is a deep, spiritual side to me too. Mr.  Dalai Lama and I are LIKE THIS.. so close.Namaste and stuff.

(shhhh...this is what my mom does when I don't come home by curfew)

Whew! that was ONE office party. These AYUSA people know how to do it!

I'm a family man, what can I say....

That dog thinks he's one of us....ha! Silly dog!

Grandpa next door. He fixes things. He doesn't pronounce my name right, but who cares..Pedro..Pedra...tomato, tomahto.

WELCOME TO RUSCAVILLE, population 5! (ok 6, with Umi, but he's not a human!)
COME ON IN!!!!we're just watching my favorite movie...

 DUMB and...

AWWWwww. I'm cute huh?

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